Music Teachers Rock!
Music Education Resources
Teaching Ideas
Music Activity Ideas for Grades TK-8

Music Library
Sheet Music, Lyric Sheets, Accompaniment Tracks, and Dance Videos tailored especially for Childrens Choirs ages 4-14.
Digital Prints
Music Classroom Decor and Activities

Welcome! I’m Lucy, aka Mrs. Stewart
I have been teaching music privately and in the classroom since 2012 and am inspired by my students’ musicality, creativity, and hilarity every day.
My goal as an educator? For my students to experience the joy of music and creation. My teaching style is supportive and energetic, and our activities range from dancing, drumming, and making music videos to rehearsing for larger-than-life events like Disco Bingo.
I stepped back from classroom teaching in 2022, and now focus on raising my young family, directing after-school Songbird Choir, and developing digital resources for fellow music educators. I love designing my own curriculum with attention to quality, detail, and exploration. And as I’m sure you’ll agree, there’s no better motivator than seeing our students’ eyes light up with glee and inspiration!
Here you’ll find ideas, activities, and repertoire that are as fun for students to learn as they are fun for educators to teach. I hope you find inspiration, and then feel free to tailor to your own unique teaching style.
You’ve got this, because music teachers ROCK!
Lucy Stewart has taught music in Seattle and New York, and has been based in Los Angeles since 2018. She earned her degree magna cum laude in Music Education from the University of Washington and is licensed through the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing with a Single Subject Teaching Credential in General Music, Choir, Band, and Orchestra.
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